What is psoriasis and why is it dangerous? full description of the disease

Psoriasis presents as chronic noninfectious skin lesions. Statistics show that 3. 7% of the world's inhabitants are susceptible to this disease called scaly lichens. In this case, gender does not matter, psoriasis is not an infectious disease, and the risk group is represented by people aged 14-27. Spotted red peeling with white scales on the skin.

Targeting can be done anywhere on the body, but the most common areas are the scalp, lower back, knees, and elbows. Since the disease in question is chronic, it presents periods of remission and exacerbation. How much does the pathology affect the patient's life and how to get rid of psoriasis forever?

Reason for appearing

abdominal psoriasis

To understand what causes psoriasis, it is worth realizing that the pathological process is systemic, involving the skin and the entire body. The reasons are not fully understood, and they may be viral, infectious, hereditary, neurogenic, or mixed. Humoral and cellular immunity is activated, which helps to initiate autoimmune processes that damage cells, mainly epidermal cells.

Metabolism is also disrupted, and psoriasis is exacerbated by burdensome genetics. As a result, cell regeneration is accelerated by a factor of 3-5, leading to the formation of psoriatic plaques. So why does psoriasis occur, where 80% of quality of life depends on proper treatment and timely detection of the disease:

  1. bad genetics;
  2. depression, persistent stress;
  3. dysbacteriosis;
  4. hormonal problems;
  5. allergic diseases;
  6. Candidiasis and streptoderma;
  7. viral pathology;
  8. addiction;
  9. parasitic infection;
  10. Metabolic problems.
Causes of Psoriasis


The number of rashes at the onset of the pathology can be considered insignificant. Studying the symptoms will give you an idea of what psoriasis looks like on your body and how to recognize it. Psoriatic plaques play a key symptom role. This is an area of engorged skin with scales. Against the backdrop of healthy skin, it looks striking and sublime. The presence of the following signs is a reason for urgent consultation with a dermatologist:

  • Raised spots on the skin with slight scales;
  • itching in the problem area;
  • Excessive dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • painful cracks, blisters on the palms and feet;
  • Deformed and peeling nail plates.

Types of Psoriasis

Classification of psoriasis involves dividing the disease into different types and forms. Considering the localization of the pathology and the nature of the rash, it is worth considering the following types of psoriasis:

back psoriasis
  1. Plaque psoriasis on the body is often called vulgar, common, or simple. This is the most common variant, diagnosed in 85% of patients. The inflamed areas of the skin have the typical appearance of the disease in question - they peel easily, turn red, and are accompanied by fever. The red skin under the scales can be easily injured and bleed. Over time, the patches merged into so-called paraffin lakes.
  2. Inverse cutaneous psoriasis affects flexor surfaces. The inflamed areas of the skin are not peeled and barely protrude over healthy skin. The localization is indicated by the skin folds, the folds under the breasts, the armpits, the outer genital area, the inner surface of the thighs, and the skin folds in the groin if a woman has psoriasis. The condition of the inflamed area can worsen when sweat is expelled, the skin is injured, or friction occurs. Diabetic patients and children are the most common patients.
  3. Pustular psoriasis on the skin is characterized by the most complex symptoms. Blisters of clear, uninfected exudate of inflammatory nature rise above healthy areas of the skin. The pustules are thickened, inflamed, and red and warm around the pustules.
  4. Rupioid psoriasis in humans is not only characterized by a plaque-like rash, but also by acute inflammation of the epidermis. The surface of the skin under the plaque was bright pink and weeping.
  5. Guttate psoriasis in adults is characterized by large numbers of small purple or red blisters. The shape of the bubbles may resemble circles, teardrops, dots, or water droplets. The affected area is usually quite extensive and may be psoriasis on the head, neck, shoulders, back, calves or thighs. Angina or streptococcal pharyngitis is often a provocateur for the development of the associated pathology.

forms of psoriasis

As for the form of psoriasis, it can be psoriatic erythroderma, arthrotic psoriasis, or psoriatic nail dystrophy:

  • Psoriatic nail dystrophy affects the nails, causing deformation of the nail plates on the fingers of the lower or upper extremities. The color of the nail itself or the nail bed can be changed. This type of psoriasis can also lead to the formation of thickening, stripes, spots, spots, and increased brittleness and delamination. Even complete loss of nails is possible.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis develops gradually and with complications in both men and women. This is the result of neglected plaque psoriasis, when the epidermis becomes very inflamed and characterized by a marked acute inflammatory process. The peeling and inflammation can spread widely, with soreness, itching, and swelling of the subcutaneous tissue. With this form of pathology, fatal outcomes are more likely than others, as the body loses its ability to regulate body temperature due to extensive inflammation, peeling, and shedding.
  • In addition to the main symptoms, psoriatic arthritis is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the joints and connective tissue. This pathological form can affect any joint, but is most commonly the facet joints of the upper and lower extremities. If the disease spreads to the knee or hip, there is a high chance of losing the ability to move. When psoriatic skin disease is diagnosed, the form of the disease considered accounts for 10-15% of all cases.
Types of psoriasis on the body

progression stage

How psoriasis develops is characterized by three consecutive stages. Every patient with a related disorder experiences all of these, but with appropriate treatment, the duration of the second stage can be significantly reduced:

  1. The progressive stage is characterized by an increase in initial signs and deterioration in overall health;
  2. During the quiescent period, there is a peak in pathological development;
  3. The regression phase is characterized by resolution of symptoms and significant improvement in overall health.


Dermatologists work in the diagnosis and further treatment of the skin disease psoriasis. Because of the specific nature of skin lesions, there is usually no difficulty in identifying the disease. Additional laboratory tests in the form of rheumatoid factor and complete blood counts are rarely required. Involvement of a rheumatologist becomes relevant if psoriatic arthritis is diagnosed. In this case, an X-ray of the joint is necessary. The expedient of skin biopsy is observed in extreme cases where differential diagnosis is difficult to make.

Doctor examining psoriasis on elbow

quality of life

The development of psoriasis leads to a significant decrease in quality of life. Difficulties may arise in social adjustment and work areas due to physical and emotional discomfort. Severe itching and pain can complicate basic life processes: sleep, body care, walking, exercising, running occupational errands, caring for the house, pets.

Patients often show excessive attention to their appearance, fear of negative reactions from others, and low self-esteem. Pain along with itching and emotional discomfort often lead to social isolation, anxiety, social phobia, and depressive states.


Getting rid of psoriasis involves using the following categories of medications and a comprehensive approach to medication.

Creams and Ointments

Ointments and creams allow you to fight psoriasis very effectively with minimal side effects. These funds are usually directed to inflamed areas:

ointment for psoriasis
  • Hormonal ointments are the most effective, they eliminate the main symptoms and stop the proliferation of keratinocytes. The most powerful of these can irritate the skin, causing dryness and thinning of the epidermis.
  • Salicylic acid removes psoriasis flakes by cleansing the skin. The dosage when using this medication is very important, as overuse can cause hair loss and skin irritation.
  • Retinoids are the active forms of vitamin A, and they are almost as effective as hormone ointments, but with longer clinical effects. Allergy to UV light is the most common adverse symptom.
  • Tar ointment reduces the severity of negative symptoms and stops the growth of skin cells. Side effects include hair loss, acne, or folliculitis.
  • Ointment or gel form of vitamin D. It works best when used in combination with hormonal medications.
  • Moisturizers help eliminate negative side effects in the form of dryness and itching, but they are unacceptable as primary treatments.
  • The anthralin in the ointment helps to eliminate scales and stop the proliferation of keratinocytes. After applying to the inflamed area, the product must be washed off after a while.

Psoriasis Pills

Doctor Prescribes Medicine for Psoriasis

Since psoriasis is not always overcome with topical therapy, it is necessary to supplement the treatment strategy with drugs in tablet form. Side effects can increase significantly, so it is important to continuously monitor your overall health with tests and doctor visits:

  1. Systemic glucocorticoids reduce inflammatory processes, swelling, and itching and prevent an increase in skin cell activity. There are so many side effects that the pills of the Anna group are rarely prescribed.
  2. Systemic psoriasis can be treated with methotrexate, which has potent cytostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. The body responds very positively to low doses. Rare side effects include increased fatigue, decreased appetite, and digestive problems.
  3. Retinoids are effective in cases where the skin condition psoriasis cannot be treated by other means. Side effects include hair loss and lip inflammation. You cannot have children for 3 years after using this set of pills because retinoids can cause birth defects.
  4. Cyclosporine and methotrexate have a lot in common and belong to the category of immunosuppressants. Increased blood pressure and kidney disease were the most common side effects.
  5. Prescribing hydroxyurea is expedient if the listed drugs cannot be used due to the patient's physical characteristics.


Medicines to help get rid of psoriasis are available in the form of injections that contain the following ingredients:

  • Antihistamines immediately stop acute itching;
  • Glucocorticoids in injectable form if tablets and ointments containing this ingredient are ineffective;
  • Biologics are the result of human and animal protein synthesis. They have beneficial effects on the body's immune system, but their price is too high for many patients.

shampoo application

Special therapeutic shampoos are also worth considering, as only they can remove psoriasis from the scalp:

  1. Antifungal shampoos are effective if the causative agent of the pathological inflammation is a fungal infection;
  2. shampoos containing corticosteroids;
  3. Tar shampoo or soap is used to get rid of psoriasis scales, as well as reduce burning and itching. It is also acceptable to add birch tar directly to the patient's usual shampoo.
Psoriasis Shampoo


If the appearance of psoriasis is diagnosed in time, many medicines can bring the correct effect, and experts will recommend the most suitable one.

psoriasis medicine

biologically active substances

Since it is nearly impossible to get rid of psoriasis quickly, dietary supplements should be used as an additional maintenance therapy:

  1. Vitamin D is useful because calcium is one of the most important minerals in fighting skin diseases, and vitamin D is required for its absorption. Using this supplement is most effective during the transition from the active phase to the resting phase.
  2. The silicon in the ingredients of the vitamin-mineral complex acts as an adsorbent to attract antigens and also improves the condition of the skin.
  3. Lecithin is able to rapidly restore epithelial cells that die in this pathology. The integrity of the skin is restored faster and the inflammatory process becomes less pronounced.
  4. Omega-3 acids and fish oil also help to eliminate inflammatory processes.

folk remedies

To increase the effectiveness of the medication, complex treatments can be supplemented with alternative treatments, but keep in mind that psoriasis on the back and other areas can be sensitive to allergic substances, so you should consult your doctor first:

herbal remedies for psoriasis
  • Chinese green tea helps reduce discomfort caused by itchy, lightened patches. It can be used internally in the form of a drink or externally in the form of a mask in the affected area.
  • Sunbathing can reduce the manifestations of psoriasis, especially in combination with sea water. UV rays should not be exposed directly, it is best to sunbathe in the shade. If you ignore this advice, the manifestations of psoriasis will only disappear for a while, but soon the disease will return with more pronounced negative symptoms.
  • An ointment made with birch tar, salicyl alcohol, and sea buckthorn oil should be applied directly to the affected area for 2 hours. If the psoriasis on the abdomen or back is extensive enough, it may be worth putting gauze over the ointment. After washing off the ointment, it is necessary to apply a celandine tincture in the form of an oil.
  • An infusion of flaxseed will allow you to eliminate the clinical symptoms of the associated disease within a week. One day, soak a spoonful of the seeds in a glass of boiling water, then boil, cool and filter, and take in the morning before meals, with activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight). The course should last 20 days even if the manifestations of psoriasis have disappeared. Products that contain caffeine in their ingredients should not be consumed.
  • Propolis and butter in a 1: 20 ratio to make an ointment. Combine ingredients, boil for 15 minutes, strain and apply to affected area. Product must be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Celery soup can be taken orally once a day for 2 hours for 21 days. Three courses a week off is enough to make people forget about the disease in a few years.
  • Celandine powder and petroleum jelly in ointment form must be used for 3 days and applied to inflamed skin areas. After 4 days of rest, continue treatment until the external manifestations have completely disappeared. To prepare the product, all ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.
Folk remedies for psoriasis


Prevention of psoriasis and measures to prevent exacerbations are as important as the treatment itself:

  1. The cleanliness of the skin must be monitored very carefully, using moisturizing creams based on natural ingredients.
  2. Monitor your overall health, especially if you have immune problems. Taking a multivitamin is an essential part of preventing psoriasis.
  3. Regular massage improves lymphatic outflow and blood circulation, resulting in faster removal of decay products and better skin cleansing.
  4. Smoking is the cause of psoriasis
  5. Any exposure to household chemicals must be limited to the maximum. Gloves and household respirators are mandatory protective equipment if it is not possible to transfer household chores to other household members. When choosing household chemicals, be aware of the presence of dyes, chemicals and fragrances. Christmas trees should be of the same grade as the natural grade. It is also worthwhile to minimize the use of skincare and cosmetic makeup.
  6. The first signs of this disorder often appear after nervous tension, so it's important to master various methods of relaxation and self-control. The benefits of healthy sleep cannot be ignored. Often stressed, herbal soothing tinctures and teas can be taken.
  7. Smoking is the initial direct provocateur of disease progression and the disease itself. We're talking about smokers who use more than 20 cigarettes a day. Under the influence of cigarette smoke, immunity decreases, blood vessels are affected, and the body's antioxidant defenses weaken. As for alcohol, it doesn't affect the onset of this skin condition, but it can make it worse.

Psoriasis and Pregnancy

Pregnancy greatly aggravates the treatment of psoriasis, as it is permitted to use far on all medications. It's also worth learning more about pregnancy planning issues and other conditions associated with this period in a woman's life.

pregnancy plan

The reproductive function of women and men is not affected by the disease. As for possible harm to your baby, psoriasis is not contagious, so breastfeeding and communicating with your baby are not a problem. Another thing is the ability of the disease to spread at the genetic level, but not very probabilistically - 8-15% if one of the parents is sick. If both parents are affected, the risk increases - 50-60%.

When planning to become pregnant, you should first undergo another course of treatment to achieve remission. We specifically refer to women because the condition of the father does not affect the fertility of the fetus. In this regard, stress also needs to be minimized and handled responsibly.

Psoriasis pregnancy plan


As for the pregnancy itself, many note that the pathological process is greatly accelerated, but symptoms worsen immediately after delivery. This is due to a weakened immune system in women due to the fact that the child consumes the body, absorbing nutrients through the umbilical cord. If treatment is required during pregnancy, it is worth prioritizing safer methods with the least potential for side effects. By analyzing your condition, you can understand how the disease will manifest in future pregnancies. Next, it's worth considering which remedies can be used and which should be avoided.

forbidden recommended
topical treatment The use of vitamin A-based preparations is absolutely prohibited. Glucocorticoids are acceptable in trace amounts of ointment and cream compositions. It is not recommended for use on the shoulders, abdomen and breast areas as cortisone can cause the appearance of stretch marks.
Vitamin D-based preparations are only allowed in small amounts in certain problem areas. The soothing and moisturizing cream has no contraindications.
systemic therapy Methotrexate and acitretin can cause miscarriage or fetal defects. Treatment with these drugs prior to childbearing requires abstinence of 4 months. In addition, such drugs can negatively affect the condition of a man's sperm, so the rules for adhering to this period also apply to men. UV-B light therapy is harmless to both the fetus and the mother.
Puva therapy during pregnancy is also not suitable as it requires prior use of photosensitizers. In severe cases of illness, cyclosporine can be prescribed, which has no negative effects on the child's body, but can cause side effects in the mother.

caesarean section

The presence of psoriasis is not a reason to have a caesarean section in labor, but it is worth considering the possibility of Koebner's phenomenon. We are talking about psoriasis on damaged areas of the skin. So far, there have been no formal studies on the speed of healing and infection risk in these areas.

postpartum psoriasis

After childbirth, in most cases, the pathology worsens due to stress, fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, irregular and limited nutrition, and hormonal imbalances. Breastfeeding is permitted because the disease cannot be transmitted to the child through milk, however, breastfeeding is not recommended when the drug is used on a large scale, as some ingredients may pass into the milk.

No medicine can guarantee 100% safety for the mother and the fetus, so the doctor responsible for the pregnancy must be consulted.

Although psoriasis is chronic, with well-planned treatment it is possible to successfully eliminate negative symptoms and avoid the loss of quality of life due to the many limitations associated with the disease.

breastfeeding a child with psoriasis